26 aprilie, Cerbobîl

Data este foarte exactă și se referă la un lucru îngrozitor întâmplat atunci.

În urmă cu 35 de ani bubuia un reactor de la centrala nucleară de la Cernobîl. Știrea a ajuns în România cam cu două zile, poate trei de întârziere. Panica s-a instalat în jurul zilei de 1 mai.

Tata a făcut rost de un contor Geiger-Muller și a măsurat tuturor vecinilor radiațiile din prelatele mașinilor. Țin minte că a plouat în zilele alea și toți erau panicați că prelatele lor sunt radioactive, cam de 20 de ori peste limita admisă. Așa că, le-au ars. Nu știu dacă realizați absurdul. Tocmai explodase un reactor nuclear, iar vecinii erau supărați că-și ard prelatele de la gioarsele de 1300.

De 1 mai imaginea Bucurestiului era dezolantă… Pustiu, nimeni pe străzi, eram avertizați să stăm în case, doar la policlinicile de cartier niște cozi imense. Oamenii veniseră după iod. Am crezut că voi muri, după ce în goana tramvaiului, nici nu știu ce naiba căutam afară, am văzut coada imensă de la policlinica Bujoreni. Bătea vântul și tot felul de hârtii erau purtate-n aer.

Într-o săptămână Steaua câștiga Cupa Campionilor. Situatia revenise la normal, cel puțin pentru noi care eram copii. Am mers la cinema Favorit cu Bujie, colegul meu de clasă, și am văzut “Noi cei din linia întâi”. Am mâncat, în sală, dintr-o pungă de 1 leu, cele mai mari și bune ridichi. Erau cât un ou de găină.

Am strâns mai jos câteva piese care vorbesc despre razboi în general, despre bombe și despre puterea nucleară.

Radioactivity – KRAFTWERK

Radioactivity, Is in the air for you and me, Radioactivity, Discovered by Madame Curie.

This Momentary – DELPHIC

You and me, what is said wasn’t never meant to hurt, Real stories always come off worse, Can we make the time to leave it behind and reshape, Remake our faith in what we see.


It’s 8:15, that’s the time that it’s always been, We got your message on the radio, condition’s normal and you’re coming home, Enola gay, is mother proud of little boy today, Oho, this kiss you give, it’s never ever gonna fade away.

1999 – PRINCE

I was dreamin’ when I wrote this, forgive me if it goes astray, But when I woke up this mornin’, could’ve sworn it was judgment day, The sky was all purple, there were people runnin’ everywhere, Tryin’ to run from the destruction, you know I didn’t even care.

Planet Earth – DURAN DURAN

Look now, look all around, there’s no sign of life, Voices, another sound, can you hear me now? This is planet earth you’re looking at planet earth.

Breathing – KATE BUSH

We’ve lost our chance, We’re the first and the last, ooh, After the blast. Chips of Plutonium, Are twinkling in every lung.

Games Without Frontier – PETER GABRIEL

Adolf builts a bonfire, Enrico plays with it, Whistling tunes we hid in the dunes by the seaside, If looks could kill, they probably will, In games without frontiers-war without tears.


Well I’ve seen them buried in a sheltered place in this town, They tell you that this rain can sting, and look down, There is no blood around, see no sign of pain, Hay ay ay no pain, Seeing no red at all, see no rain.

Dancing With Tears In My Eyes – ULTRAVOX

It’s late and I’m with my love alone, We drink to forget the coming storm, We love to the sound of our favourite song, Over and over, Dancing with tears in my eyes, Living out a memory of a love that died.

Russians – STING

In Europe and America there’s a growing feeling of hysteria. Conditioned to respond to all the threats
In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets. Mister Krushchev said, “We will bury you.” I don’t subscribe to this point of view.

When The Wind Blows – DAVID BOWIE

So long child, it’s awful dark, And I’ve never felt the sun, I dread to think of when, When the wind blows.


How many times has the weatherman told you stories that made you laugh? You know it’s not unlike the Politicians and leaders, when they do things by half, Who gets the job, Of pushing the knob? That sort of responsibility, you draw straws for it if you’re mad enough.

Two Suns In The Sunsets – PINK FLOYD

The sun is in the east, Even though the day is done. Two suns in the sunset, Hmm, Could be the human race is run.


When two tribes go to war, One is all that you can score.