Keluar: “we like to maintain control”.

Keluar is an industrial synth noir electronic duo from Berlin.

Hello Zoe, hello Sid!
My name is Andy and I represent an online radio station called eclecticFM. We’re trying to promote as much as we can the alternative electro sounds from all over the world. Nice to meet you!

Q:I know how important the psychic dimension is to your music, and to music in general. So my first question is – what is the first lullabye you remember hearing? And the first bedtime story?
A:Do the childhood classics involving black sheep and twinkling stars count? My mother wasn’t much of a singer, so most of my early musical memories involve my own singing voice, which I apparently started exercising before I could even talk properly. Stories such as ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ and ‘The Minpins’ stand out in my earliest memory, possibly because there’s something a bit unsettling about them.

Q:When did you have the revelation that Trent Reznor can’t be brought closer to God?
A:To be honest, the only revelation I’ve ever had relating to Trent Reznor was that I probably shouldn’t bother trying to enjoy Nine Inch Nails any longer, because his voice is just too grating.

Q:You guys are coming from Berlin. What’s the funniest thing about your city of residence?
A:It’s difficult to come up with superlatives relating to where one lives, since you see so many aspects and layers of it every single day. I guess something quite funny about Berlin is seeing the reactions of newcomers to the eccentricities most residents take for granted as ‘normal’, be it with disgust or joy or a little bit of both. The neverending fascination with Berghain, from Berliners and outsiders alike, also fascinates and amuses me at times.

Q:Do you ever dream of a more exotic place than Bucharest where you might perform? Where would that be? And what about a more exotic concert venue?
A:It depends on one’s definition of ‘exotic’. We’ve already played in Australia, which might be considered exotic to some, but not to me since it’s my ‘home’. I’d very much like to play in Central and South America someday, and if the venue can also be conjured up by dreams then I’d perhaps choose a steamer on the Amazon, in the style of Fitzcarraldo.

Q:I know you guys have your own insightfull quality control of your music. By that I mean you’re not usually reading reviews about your releases and the critic’s opinions. Can you tell me then how is the crowd reacting to your music? Is it always a positive response?
A:We certainly can’t complain about our audiences’ enthusiasm, in almost every city we play they react with enough energy to keep us wanting more.

Q:Who’s responsible with your visual identity?
A:Every aspect of it is agreed between us equally, though I (Zoè) deal with most aspects of our music video production. I also did the artwork for our latest releases. Our press photos have sometimes involved collaborations with talented friends, though are still partly directed by ourselves so far. We like to maintain control.

Q:Have you managed to listen to more Romanian upcoming bands like the ones opening your show in Question Mark?
A:Unfortunately not… In my occasional hunts for music I don’t tend to use country of origin as much of a guide, so even if I’ve heard them, I didn’t notice they were from Romania.

Q:Name me one eclectic thing you plan to do when you’ll arrive to Romania.
A:We never make plans of doing anything on tour other than the show itself preceded by a thorough soundcheck. The rest we leave to chance and the wills and whims of our hosts, since the locals surely know what’s best.

Thank you very much good people of Keluar! I hope you’ll have a fine experience in our country!
Cheers and hope to see you soon!